

  • Woke up late this morning and had to hurry up and get ready to work from 1-10. I was exhausted when I got home..but I forced myself to workout today! HIIT15 is completed and although I didn't work as hard as I would have liked, I'm just glad that I did it. I also realize that I don't like to work out at night haha.
  • I just got done with my first day! I just hope this time I can stick with it! This week will be incredibly hard because of Thanksgiving. My profile pic is from the Run or Dye 5K. It's a fun run and (depending on which one you do) every K or .5K you get color thrown at you by volunteers. And each station is a different…
  • I'm going to start on Monday! I just hope that I can stick with it. I do well for a week and then I lose my drive and motivation. It's a vicious cycle :(