

  • TV work outs usually after kids are asleep. Sometimes they will work out too but usually they jump on me! Desperate times call for desperate measures and dancing through an entire WIGGLES video (60 min) with my little ones just about puts me into cardiac arrest! My husband has a little gym in the basement but I just can't…
  • Well Ladies, When we all started this my body reacted surprisingly well and I dropped 15 lbs in 4 weeks! I was so happy! Then I got lazy and arrogant and stupid...Yeah, I started eating A LOT! So I HAD 5 lbs to go BUT I put ON five instead. What a WEENIE! I feel gross and my baby's 1st birthday is September 3rd. I promised…
  • I have a chinese joint and a pizza place in the same plaza as my local grocery store...IT IS SO HARD TO PURCHASE LO-CAL FOOD WHEN I JUST GAINED 3-4 lbs SMELLING THE GREASY WONDERS BEING WHIPPED UP IN THESE ESTABLISHMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! About perma pudgy tummy...have you looked into liver detox? There seems to be a…
  • Is this you first pregnancy recovery?
  • PRINCESS-You have such a teeny ammt to lose! I thought you might like to know that I was once told us ladies can retain 5lbs of fluid weight. Bulking up on your water intake an taking in some diuretics such as green tea or dandelion could have you PEEING off five pounds! :drinker:
  • I am an EMOTIONAL eater and I had a crappy morning. All I want to do is EAT! Trying to drown self in green tea, might have to move on to chewing gum. I'd love to go to gym to blow off steam (I'm lucky enough to have one in my basement) but I would have to let 3 yr. old daughter care for 7 month old son! He is SEVEN MONTHS…
  • AJCM- If you look like skin and bones after you have lost your weight it should be easy enough to put some back on...that IS what has brought us all together!
  • Every time anyone dares to compliment how super I look-for just having 3rd baby- I feel a strong need to reply. "Well, that's because I'm not naked". You make a great point. The comments of others to add up to much if you don't feel the same way.
  • Hi! I turn 29 this year(which might as well be thirty), just had my 3rd baby, celebrating 8th year of marriage to high school sweetheart - so we have 14 years in- had 10 year HS reunion this summer, sent first born to kindergarten, basically I can't add AND I GOT FAT to that list! I'll just feel like an antique! I have 20…