Exercise before breakfast is the best way out when it comes to weight loss.
Start exercising. Roca Labs formula can help you.
1 month and 20 days. But my goal was big like more than 100+ lbs so it was fair in this time period. I've been using Roca Labs formula and exercising 30 minutes everyday.
You can't lose quickly. Remember the rules. The smaller the goal the slower it is to achieve. Even if you consult Roca Labs, they will give you 2-3 months time frame.
Exercise :D
True inspiration. :)
I'm eating 1200 calories a day but I still haven't reached my goal yet. I've left all sort fast food and dairy products. I'm eating healthy. Exercise every day and a dose of Roca Labs formula 4-5 days a week. I'm 50 lbs down in 2 .5 months. I hope it works. :) I still have 75 lbs to lose.
I lost around 50-60 lbs in last 2.5 months. 50 more to go. I've been using Roca Labs advanced formula. It wasn't easy and still it isn't but worth the result. :)
After seeing you I'm sure that I'll be able to do it too :)
It's okay by 0.6 lbs a day but further can be dangerous, I'm currently losing around 0.3- 0.5 lbs lately with the formula but I've read that a few Roca lab's customer lost 1 lbs a day too so I'm not sure.
I didn't. I'll try that if the Roca Labs team permit it for that while using the formula. If it worked then It will be 60 lbs down and 65 lbs to go :D
Yes (n_n) but only we walk at a constant speed. Roca labs told me about this trick . \o/
I have been using Roca labs formula for 2.5 months. They recommend me to walk for 30 minutes every day at a constant speed. I've lost 50 lbs by now. I think walk help.
Most of the diet plans recommend green tea(2-3 cup) and grape juice for losing weight
I'm not very good with diets. Right now I'm using Roca Labs formula. 50 lbs down in 2.5 months. Still 70 lbs to lose.