KLFouty Member


  • Thanks everyone for your replies. I am scheduled to attend a pre-op information group with my husband in a couple weeks. The bariatric pal site is a great reference, but I have freaked myself out reading some of the posts. It doesn't help that I am a "worst case scenario" "what-if?" type of person to start with! I have a…
    in Surgery? Comment by KLFouty April 2014
  • I started it yesterday! Going to go for day 2 tomorrow! I downloaded the app on my Iphone and I LOVE it! When I finished, it uploaded my work out info into MFP! AWESOME!!!!!! Good luck!
  • Hey Alexis! Did you have your procedure today? What made you decide to go with the gastric sleeve? I've recently thought about doing the lap band. My problem is I will do really well for a while and then get discouraged when not much weight comes off so I just figure "why bother"? I've decided that I am really going to do…