

  • time to move on to level 3, I should have moved on last friday but i had to go on a trip.
  • i am starting level 3 tomorrow. I watched the video this morning and tried some of the moves....MAN am i terrified!
  • Day 10, Level 2 done this morning BUT.....I don't think I'm ready to move up to Level 3 tomorrow. I've decided to continue doing Level 2 everyday until I am completely convinced that I am doing all the planks right. Only then will I step up to Level 3. This morning I was so close to not doing the workout again. I get…
  • i woke up late today so I wasn't able to do my workout this morning. I promise to do it when I get home from work. Good luck to me.
  • Hi everyone! im on Day 7 of Level 2. I have not missed a single day. There was last Sunday when I was making all possible excuses not to do it but at around 5pm I got so guilty, got up and finished it anyway. So far I lost 8lbs. My clothes fit better and I just feel so happy looking at my shrinking love handles and fat on…
  • hi everyone, i am on Day 5. I still stop a few times but i feel my body getting stronger. i can now complete Cardio Circuit 3 without stopping.
  • i started walking last week. after being shocked in finding out i now weigh 196lbs. i realized all these fat could possibly kill me. i walk from my office to my house in the afternoon, a good 4 miles. then i put in an extra mile in the mornings on my way to work. so far i lost 4lbs but still not visibly noticeable. on my…