

  • Look up 'Raw Desserts' ! There are tons of awesome, healthy sweet recipes out there, you just have to look.
  • I've been vegan for 5 years, and I don't find it hard at all! That being said, you HAVE to enjoy researching food/food alternatives, cooking, etc. There are a MILLION ways to eat chocolate while being vegan. Buy a vegan candy bar- there are tons of them. They probably aren't the ones you're used to eating, so branch out.…
  • Getting enough fat is extremely important. You should do some research, because there are a plethora of reasons why eating enough fats on a daily basis is vital. To give you one, oversimplified, reason: If you don't eat a solid, natural fat everyday, your body holds onto the fat that you do have (because it's scared it…
  • What a fantastic story! You look so much happier :). Thank you for posting- positivity always makes any situation better! :)
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