You or anyone here may add me, can't have too many pals :)
It's just not worth it! Drinking homemade smoothies all day would be better! You can add protein (even just a spoonful of peanut butter) and as many fruits and even veggies as you want! Plus that way you know exactly whats in it! Slimfast is a definite NAY for me.
Hi there, I have been upping my calories lately and I feel like I eat ALL DAY LONG! When I first started, my jaw was REALLY sore from chewing so much! lol I make absolutely sure I am going over on protein, and getting pleanty of fruits and veggies, and I lost 2.6 lbs in 7 days... heres the kicker, I lost VERY noteable…
LOVE IT!! Add me if you want :)
I was just thinking about getting one, but only about an hour into my research :) I read A LOT of reviews! lol I am bumping this for later :)
What had me worried is that I really do feel GREAT! lmao I could be a spokesperson! lol I can not take vitamins (they make me physically ill) so I was trying to get an extra boost going into my system, I know it doesn't replace a multi-vitamin, but it's the best I can do right now :)
I lost JUST over 2 lbs this week since I upped my colories. I try to make sure I am within 100 calories either way and I make an effort to go over on protein since I know I stay fuller, longer. Also Make sure your drinking lots of water, about 8 glasses is standard but there are some who say 50% of your weight = your water…
Mine don't even say a brand (it may have on the box, but I threw that away) It just has "green tea" and "fat burner" on the front and then the product info on the back...
No bad side effects? I don't have any side effects unless (like you said) I don't eat with them, and even then I just feel a little shaky. I am just worried that I am training my body to want something it shouldn't...??
What do you think of them?
No one else takes them!? Does that make me weird?
This is my first round of taking them consistantly over several, or more, days. That being said, this is my 6th day in a row and I'm just now really noticing how calm and clear my mind is. I am attentive and focused, I am even bubbly! lol I have also made drastic changes to both my eating and exercise in this last week,…
This is a HOT button question... Politely offer to them that you'll gladly turn up your music in an attempt to muffle the sounds :) Follow your lease agreement, they signed one too, if it gets to "battles" leave a message with your super before and after every work out to "time stamp" them. They'll get sick of it and offer…
Trust your body. Take care in what you put in your body (too many carrots can turn you and or your baby orangey as an example and my DR said even 1 cup a day is too much when breast feeding). But trust that your body will be your guide. If you start craving anything funky, make sure you eat a sensable snack. I ate A LOT of…
My baby, when he was first born, pooped on his own exactly one time. After that THE only way he could was if we gave him a supository (sp). We went through MONTHS of issues and at one point they had to admit him to the hospital for surgery and detox. I feel like some what of an expert on poop. Having it in your body for…
DON'T GIVE UP!!!!! You are strong and beautiful and an inanimate object CAN NOT bring you down! You got this!!!
I am not a DR, but I say trust your instincts! I think ANYthing in moderation can be positive :)
My husband is in the military as well, as much pain as it causes to have them away, it sure feels great to get them back!!! Thanks for the add :)
I think I just laughed hard enough to forgo my last workout!!! lol
I agree, it's not really motivating either... what about a combo of your girls names? Something that EVERY time you log in, you remember WHY you're working so hard! I got goosebumps that you would look at your life, and lifes of your children, and decide to change it for the better! Some parents are very selfish, it is so…
GREAT JOB!!! Don't rely too much on this site for your encouragment though... you have to be able to pat your own back now and then... and you deserve it!!! :)
GREAT JOB! You look amazing!
I am interested in this topic, I am REALLY sad to see there is not more to it yet! :) I have only tried 1 type of protien powder (someting my dad said I just HAD to try- he gave it to me in a ziplock and I never saw the bag) and it made my smoothie taste like chalk AND had arificial sweetners which I am allergic too.. Any…
LOVE this post!
I support this post also, well said!
I have ONLY gained weight from not eating. I used to live on coffee and dinner, not intentionally; I am busy! I have gained over 30 lbs on that diet and constant movement, if not "actual exercise" every single day. Your entire body goes into starvation mode and the whole time some one tells you that, you'll be thinking…
THANK YOU! This is NO place to be belittling someones trials with food of all things! I like veggies but FORGET to eat them! I HATE water! HATE IT! I would rather thirst... TO DEATH... than drink it! I litterally ended up in a hospital for 3 months once because of that. I still don't want to drink it so I disguise it by…