nothing about side effects. but my friend had mirena put in. and like her third period or so when pulled her tampon out. sure enough the mirena came with it.
oh don't even worry. i couldn't eat that less even if i tried! but thank you so much. you are really inspiring to me. you make me feel more confident that i can actually do this. =D
the only reason i agree with her is because both my parents drink the shakes a lot. and my dad lost almost 200 pounds! but they both also only eat about 500-600 calories a day. they both had gastric by-pass surgery. so i just figured they would know a few tips for me to lose weight too. My dad currently weighs less than me…
its required to have meal plan as a freshman. so yes i am. i can go to the servery here and eat whenever its open how ever many times a day. and the food it through sodexo and most of it is pretty low in calories! =D and my best friend here is working on improving her lifestyle too. but it seems like she puts more work in…
well seeing as i'm a college kid. i actually live in the dorm. pretty far from my parents. so i'm pretty broke. haha. and yes i try to work out for an hour everyday but i usually end up only doing 30 to 45 mins of a workout.
oo. yes. i have two boxes of those. i eat them for breakfast on the way to class. i have chocolate ones. they are really good. i actually forgot i had some!
well since both of my parents have shed lots of pounds i know a little about losing weight. my mom says when i'm hungry i should drink a protein shake because it will help keep me full longer but i just don't like having liquid all the time. i have some special k crackers but i've also heard special k doesn't really work.