fabiru2013 Member


  • I want to get adopted!! I dont know why but my gym skills are not good =(, I need to tone my body and to stay in track to loose the last 15 pounds. Anybody??
  • Be patience, this site doesnt do magic, it is just a tool, if you cheat your the only one that knows, start the days like new days dont punish yourself for what you ate, start all over again and dont quit you have the chance to make good decisions every day. Kisses and the best of luck
  • Count me in!!:happy: :happy: Exercise: 30 min of cardio, 3 times this week (i have to be realistic) Nutrition: no sugar, no bread, my daily porcentaje of proteins, and respect my 5 meals schedule wellness: sleep 8 hours daily and stay positive at work, reward: cloths (1 piece- it has to be to exercise)