

  • Is Mojo sauce really hot or spicy? My stomach doesn't tolerate those. But I desire a lot of flavor?
  • You have a bigger morning appetite than me! I could eat just the eggs or the Oatmeal. Tortillas cause stomach problems for me. I am wondering how-ever, are you eating this combination for the reason of "pairing" which I know little about?
  • You have a bigger appetite than me! lol I could have the bacon and eggs OR the Waffle, but not BOTH! What do you put on your waffle? What do you think og Buckwheat pancakes. I find Multi-grain pancakes too heavy and I don't make waffles.
  • I used to make those all the time, using whole eggs. But I want to try this too, using 1 egg and 1 white. I got lazy or just plain forgot about my liking omelets. I haven't made one in a long, long time. Thanks for reminding me and suggesting the egg white.
  • I want to by Protein Powder with no harmful additives, ALL NATURAL! I have only used Whey Protein Powder from Wal-Mart, but it has additives. I am looking for the best, least expensive Protein Powder with-out those additives. Any-one have any ideas?
  • What is your favorite Brand and Combination of ingredients, please? Do you like it cold and hot?
  • what is Evoo mayonnaise, please? I like your idea of adding egg white to a whole egg in making an omelet to increase the protein. But as appetizing as the sauce sounds, my stomach doesn't handle real spicy very well, but I crave lot's of flavor. Any other ideas?. Eating just egg-whites never seemed appealing to me, but…
  • bread is a big weakness of mine as well. It's easy, quick, tastes good, easy on my stomach, and is filling. bread for toast, bagels n cream cheese, garlic bread and with sandwiches. Need to get away from so much bread!!! I AM TRYING TO BUY ORGANIC, NO GMO'S, UNPROCESSED, MEAT, FISH, VEGETABLES, GROWN IN A HEALTHY…