

  • Walking is awesome! I've found hands down it's the most effective way to burn fat. I do 25 minutes every lunchtime, then 30-40 mins on the exercise bike at home most nights.
  • Hey Paulette Totally agree re journalling. I've "guesstimated" consumption in the past, but MFP is really accurate. Everything goes in! What I love is the fact that I can win my way back by exercising more. I have an exercise bike in the lounge - did 52 mins last night while watching CSI and won back over 400 calories!…
  • Hey Brian Myfitnesspal is awesome. I'm usually pretty good at losing weight, but this app really makes you think about what you eat. I set it up to lose 2lbs a week. Being highly competitive, I ended my first week under the target calorie consmption and lost 3 and a half pounds! Let us know how you get on!
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