sportochick Member


  • I have a serious belly over hang as well. Too many abdominal surgeries. I do know when my body fat got below 15 then the over hang was barely noticeable. I won't ever get that low again due to health issues but I sure want it to go down so I feel more comfortable with my husband.
  • I had a friend who once dated a wonderful women who lost tons of weight. He couldn't get over her sagging skin. Or the scars left from surgery to remove some of it. I was so disappointed in him. He himself had stretch marks and was over weight. Life isn't perfect neither are our bodies. I earned my stretch through having…
  • Hi my name is Teri and I am 58 years old. I have 2 children, 1 stepchildren. 1 grandson, and a darling supportive husband. In 2009 I was diagnosed with Sjögren's Syndrome, RA and Lupus after being very ill for 8-1/2 years. I have lost myself in dealing with this and what my body can physically do. I use to lift weights and…