

  • You have a couple options here: Log it and consider the day a one off excess Log it and work the rest of your macros for the day around it Don't log it and pretend it never happened Scrape cheese and sauce off crust to eat with spoon, be miserable & weird Don't eat the pizza, eat the lunch you brought & planned for I would…
  • Exciting Facts to Blow Your Mind! 1. Fat is not "Bad" 1a. There are different kinds of fat and they have different effects. Fat is also very satiating and vital for bodily function. 2. Foods don't, on their own, cause the dibeetus 3. Calories and macros are important, regardless of what method of eating you subscribe to 4.…
  • I love logging my food. I bought a food scale a few days ago and it has absolutely changed my life. My weight loss was stalled out and I was feeling terrible, turns out I was undereating. I had NO idea what 4 ounces of meat looked like (chicken i thought was 6 ounces, was in fact 3.5 - turkey meat i thought was 3 ounces…
  • Of course I'm tired of it. I'm tired of being obsessed with eating and not eating, being fat, being unfit, constantly restricting and staving off binges. I am at war with myself. But I am also very tired of being fat and "just doing whatever!" does not work for me. I actually enjoy calorie counting and adjusting my goals…
  • I think these horrible things about myself all the time, but I would never express them in public. Anyone who does is fishing for compliments to make themselves feel better. I prefer to keep my self-shaming private, thank you! :P -- The source is suspect and the message awkward at best. "Women saying bad stuff about…
  • bahahaha this thread is cracking me up. for me, pasta. oh god, gluten f***s me up but good. bloating and gas and bloating and gas and bloating and pain and I just want to die.
  • Everything. :P Hah. My arm fat above my elbow creases that hangs down. :( My gross double roll belly. Not fitting in booths in restaurants, or the constant worry I am going to break a chair I sit in like in Shallow Hal. It's never happened but every time I sit down I am convinced that THIS time will be the time. >.<
  • Yes indeed. Looking to lose something like 140 total but my first goal is to get back below 300.
  • 2 eggs scrambled with 2 tbsp whole milk and some mrs dash chipotle seasoning. 2 ounces home-made pulled pork. 1 cup coffee with creamer and a little honey.
  • I'm in the same boat. Better to lose weight while you're young than waiting till you're 30! It gets harder the older you get. Setting smaller goals is a good start, my first goal is to be back under 300 lbs.
  • Can't promise I'm a good influence foodwise and I am forever tweaking macros and styles of eating, but feel free to add me. :P My diary is open to friends! I too prefer to see open diaries and get an idea for what other people are eating.
  • Hah i love this. I have a few weird ones. #1 is fork handles. i hate thick handled utensils, they feel disgusting in my fingers. i have one particular fork, my "bamboo fork" that i have used since childhood, it's sterling silver card into a bamboo stick, very thin, possibly the slimmest fork handle i have ever seen. i have…
  • I've tried all the Whole Foods gluten free options like Rudi's and so on and they just aren't as good. Yesterday we went to a local bakery called Bread & Cie and we purchased a fresh baked loaf of honey whole-wheat and it is divine - fluffy and chewy inside, crusty and crunchy outside. :3 Doesn't even need to be toasted.…
  • I run into this a lot too. I am morbidly obese and very open with everyone I know about my interest in losing weight, getting healthy, studying nutrition, etc. Still, so many of my friends and co-workers are always encouraging me to eat the cookie or have the chips or take the free candy "just this once, what can it hurt?"…
  • I've got about 120 pounds to lose for my first goal. Would love to get more involved in the MFP community. TheJhazminShow