trilei75 Member


  • Ironically, I started Seroquel and my weight loss journey at nearly the same time. It hasn't made me gain, but I couldn't say if its made things more difficult. I actually didn't know about the weight gain aspect of it until I read this! I take it for sleep issues.
  • I have horrible balance, so I'm very interested in this topic. I think my lack of balance has to do with having little core strength, so I'm hoping it will improve as I get stronger. I embarrass myself regularly in yoga for my inability to stand on one leg!
  • I'd love to join. I just did day 1 on Tuesday, will be doing day 2 tonight. I'm only doing it on days I don't go to the gym (T-Th-S). Day 1 kicked my butt!
  • I'd love to try spinning, but I'm so nervous about it. I've heard about the sore butt issues and I know I couldn't make it through a full class the first time. Perhaps soon I'll bite the bullet & give it a try!
  • Thanks for the replies! I'm glad to hear this will work... I've been looking for something to fill in on non gym days. I hope 30DS won't make me too sore at first.