

  • I was having the same problem & I went to my doctor come to find out I was anemic. This may not be what is making you tired but go to the doctor & have some blood tests. It could be a B12 issue or iron like me. I started taking an iron supplement & could not believe the difference. My workouts are so much easier & now I…
  • I am exactly the same size as you. If you are looking for bargain priced bras Target has clasp in the back Champion spots bras that work great they go by bra sizes. I use them for Zumba, running & spin classes. If you don't mind spending some cash Moving Comfort is the best you can order them off Amazon.
  • Thank you! This is really helpful.
  • I am 41 & I haven't found it any harder to lose the weight but I have found it is easier to put the weight on!
  • I am trying to lose weight right now, again. I can't seem to learn my lesson. I need to lose 20 pounds & it's very discouraging! I am having a hard time staying within my calorie limits so it's an adjustment. I am motivated right now but I hope I can keep my goals.
  • I am 41 & child free. I am divorced & have a "step" daughter who is twenty & in college so I am all on my own! Have two cats, closest thing I will have to babies lol (unless i get a dog!)