

  • Hi all! I'm glad I found some groups because this is exactly my goal well almost. My UG is to get myself in a bikini and feel confident by my birthday (August). I'm hoping MFP and all of you guys will help keep me motivated to keep going. I do not like that the numbers on the scale are in the higher 100s than they've ever…
  • 3 eggs with some mozzarella cheese and green peppers. Tried to make an omelet but it didn't turn out right so I ended up scrambling it all together. And water from my workout.
  • Hi all. I'm new here too, or new again. I made this once but never used it. Where do you all get your motivation from?? I have it in spurts. I get the urge to workout like once every month or so but then I never do it again after that. Any suggestions?