I started out walking and now I'm walking 1/2 mile and jogging another 4.5 miles....3 days a week. I use a watch pedometer!! It's great!!! I push the button when I leave my driveway and it tracks distance, time, calories burned and how fast you're going at any given time. The watch as only $30-$35 and it was well worth it.…
I'm on the fence about ordering this....I saw the infomercials and I was thinking that I could do it this winter as I usually walk/run 5 miles 3-4 days week. Living in upstate NY...the snow is going to fly soon and I need something. I have hypothyroidism and need something this winter to keep my metabolism up. I only eat…
This is great! This is the first time I've asked a question and I feel like you gals in are at my kitchen table talking over coffee...heeheee
Great! I'll check them out!