

  • LNS won last night, grrrr!! It is such a part of my routine, I get sooo hungry late at night! Onward, no LNS tonight :-) Me 3 LNS 1
  • Hello! This is great, I need accountability and support!! I also want to fit comfortably into my clothes again!! 5'2" 130 lbs Goal would be to get down to 115 lbs once again!! Bring on the 30 days :-)
  • Hello! I am a 47 y.o. mom of a freshman college student and a sophomore in high school. I have been happily married for 22 years! I have never really battled weight, but the mid to late 40's are slowing my metabolism down! I used to be big into working out, but became burnt out a couple yrs ago, now I prefer brisk walks…
  • Oh dear, where do I start? It sounds like you need inpatient help, it is for your health and life. You cannot do it alone, please seek help!! You need a team: ED dr, therapist and nutritionist. Stop exercising please Throw out your scale Get your team in order You need a professional meal plan made between both you and…