knitcandi Member


  • My late night snack is always air popped popcorn with a tbl spoon of melted margarine and some flavor shaker on top. I find it in the popcorn section of the grocery store and their are lots of different flavors. My popcorn machine doesn't leave the counter top because I use it probably five nights a week!
  • Pinterest is dangerous. I look for healthy food but always end up pinning desserts. :D Thanks for the topic I will be checking out a lot of these blogs. I need new ideas.
  • I am going to try and make my own roasted chickpeas this weekend with a Hungry Girl recipe. I usually have popcorn but I also want to change it up a bit.
  • Never skipping a Monday. Even if I fall off the wagon a bit I always restart on Monday with healthy food choices and exercise.
  • I run too and I try not to weigh myself more than once a week. My long runs tend to make me puffy (swell) so even though I've burned 1,000 calories I will weigh a little more the next day. Trying to only weigh once a week saves me a lot of frustration! Congrats on your plan!
  • I'm 5'2" and I would love to be 110. I was 121 when I started using MFP and 140-150 before I started regular exercise. Like many of you my family thinks I'm "too" skinny now but I will still be in the middle of a healthy BMI at 110. It is just taking a long time for me to get from 115 to 110.
  • This thanksgiving I let myself have a full plate of food, but just one. Then I let myself have a plate of dessert. After lunch it was back to the portion control mindset. It worked well for thanksgiving so I will probably use the same game plan at Christmas. I get one holiday meal with desert!
  • Good for you! Brisk Walking is a great form of exercise! There was just an article about that on Runners World site. I don't run in the winter so I am using MFP to track my eating so I don't gain back all the weight I lost running this summer. It helps just to be mindful about the calories we put in and the calories we are…
  • You can do it! Even if you maintain during the holidays you are ahead of the game! Good Luck, I started last week and it really has opened my eyes to the empty calories I eat. :-)