One week down the road. I hope everyone is holding up.
Sodium, and saturated fat are all natural too. I'm not saying all those stevia sweeteners are necessarily bad. I am saying that "natural" is just a marketing term.
Not a dumb question. Because otherwise you get too much of a caloric deficit.
I too like how the only ingredient is peanuts! (I don't like how it separates, but oh well.)
How about some apples? Also, you can make it thicker by using less water (or milk), and cooking it a bit longer.
I second the allowing yourself a "cheat" every now and then, and the throw the cake away notions.
I didn't hear an explicit "I'm in".
Very intensive! No eating out for lunch. (<-that's a period)
"boils it down into a simple, easy-to-use number; a number you can trust to make better decisions about nutrition in just a few seconds. " NO. Another attempt to reduce and over simplify everything because people in general want simple and easy. Sometimes you just have to take the time read the real label, and take the…
DIng ding ding :) - more marketing.
Just one thing - "natural" is a meaningless label that used for marketing purposes. To use organic certain criteria have to be met, this is not so with "natural".
I'm in. Except that I very very rarely eat fast food anyway, so to make this at least a bit interesting I'll include pizza (which is very much in the fast food category, at least in terms of its nutrients!) and... anything eaten out for lunch - just because I want to bring lunch from home. Hey, that could be a whole…
This issue seems to be a controversial one, but to the best of my understanding this is indeed the best range. Note that that's per kg not per lb.
I don't know specifically about organic, but I think that any store of this size has enough selection of better foods (as opposed to junk). Better would be in a way less processed. In addition to whole grain breads, fruits and veggies you mentioned. I'm sure they sell basics like brown rice, whole grain pasta, all sorts of…