yes please :)
I find there is nothing else to work out to lol. metal makes me motivated
down from 85.5kg to 48.5kg
can't seem to post my before and afters.. But every one has done an amazing job
I still see the old me in the mirror sometimes. I'm 5kg away from what I was before I gained all the weight but when I look in the mirror all I see is what is still wrong. On a good day I think I look ok and get a picture taken of me and then all I can say is god I still look huge after losing 27kg.
friend request sent your way :)
feel free to add me
friend request sent your way!!
heya in similar partner is not doing this with me either but he is very supportive..friend request sent your way!
i personally gained weight while on it and it did not help with my migraines one bit
hey i'm new to MFP and would love to get/give motivation..You can add me if you'd like :)
heya ill add you
feel free to add me if you'd like
I'm new to this to and would love the motivation..add me if you would like.
Thank you so much for the help