suzb78 Member


  • Last weeks weight: 145lbs This weeks weight: 144lbs Total amount lost in challenge so far: 4lbs Amount to hit this challenges goal: 4lbs
  • Last weeks weight: 147lbs This weeks weight: 145lbs Total amount lost in challenge to date: 3lbs Amount to hit this challenge's goal: 5lbs
  • Last week weight: 148lbs This week weight: 147lbs Lost in challenge: 1lb Till goal: 14lbs to reach final goal - as long as I'm going in the right direction by new year, I'll be happy! :-)
  • Current weight: 148lbs Goal weight: 133lbs (realise this might be ambitious but good to aim high!) Amount lost in challenge so far: 0 Good luck for the week ahead everyone - can't wait to read about some good weight losses next week :-)
  • Hi there! I just joined 5 days ago and have just discovered this group. So far finding it a very positive experience - feel free to add me :-)