

  • LizMichele! Great- keep me posted on your success. I feel like drinking more water is helping- and I ate more yesterday(1450) and the scale was down today a little today. I think it is harder to lose those last 10 pounds! stay strong.
  • Thanks everyone, your advice has been helpful! I agree with everyone- 1-2lbs per week is the goal! I was frustrated because after three weeks I was only down 1-3 pounds...the scale would go up and down. Today it was down 2. The response about having the additional calories you burn during exercise was right on. I haven't…
  • I add it to a bowl of cut up cucumbers and pepper. It is delish!
  • Thank you for your response! My body is used to the exercise, I have been consistent with that for a long time....it is the diet that I have problems with. I love wine and mexican food. ;) so I think it might be in shock right now. I lost the weight last year around this time, and then slowly started to put it back on even…
  • What is Zumba?
  • I like your workout schedule. I'm into running and have done a few half marathons, but I feel like I need to mix it up and lately it seems like I"m running too much and not getting results. I have the 'shred' DVD and did it once last week, I was sore! It was good! I also took yoga class. do you think If i cut back on the…
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