

  • DebbieLyn, First off, your a beautiful lady, and I'm so happy you have a man that loves you flaws and all. Your blessed!! I typed several responses that will show you the steps Scott has taken to get help. I'm so sorry you went through much of the same thing I am. It hurts like crap, I know. But, all porn, except some old…
  • Skater Girl, Thank you for your reply. I love him. I believe he loves me. He has an illness that I think can be healed...I hope anyway. If you read some of my replies, you can see the things he's done to help himself through this thing already. Congrats, you look amazing btw!~! Lisa
  • 77 sheep, you are SO right. We recognize that as well. Scott has been super angry with God for awhile now. He was a muscle bound hunk in HS, playing all sports. Now he's using a walker at age 48. His wife and he didn't make it, and lonliness pretty well prevailed in his life I think. But, I do think that he's taking the…
  • Seltzermint, My soon to be ex husband, had low Testosterone too, and was always heavy, and honestly had "man boobs". I never found him unattractive, but....he never seeked help for this low T problem, hence, my weight gain. I was a skinny kid, and a super morbidly obese sad adult. He said my body fat, AND after weight loss…
  • Emily, Thank you SO much. I find that you have a beautiful face as well. You can read the other posts to see what we've been doing to get help up to this point. Congrats on your weight loss, your looking beautiful as I said!!!!!! Thank you for taking time to post that to me. My spirit is blessed today. Lisa
  • Chadomaniac, Pretty sure I knew that....Ü I have a LOT of weight loss...which I consider to be my "trophy" in a way. Already knew the skin won't snap back on it's own. Please understand my age is 47, so that elasticity of a 20 yr old is no longer there. I know I need surgery. I just can't afford. Will be trying some of the…
  • Quiet Bloom, 230# don't seem to wanna shrink back. Though I do feel blessed I don't have turkey waddle, I have all the other ugly sag many of you know about. But, I'm going to look into some ideas and options mentioned here, and am truly grateful for your reply. If you read my other replies, you'll note that Scott, my BF,…
  • Mxx, Thank you for your sweet compliment as well. I'm lifted up greatly this morning by all of you. Scott is seeking help. All porn is out of the house. Much of it was his Dad's. I can understand a boy, thinking it's "fine" to have this image if his late Daddy did. I'm trying to be a genuinely supportive woman. I see him…
  • LaPetit, Thank You for saying I'm beautiful. ALL of the responses have lifted me up to a better place. You too are a very stunningly beautiful woman. My BF sits beside me as we read all of the responses. He has been in love 3 times in his life, I'm the 3rd one and he's 48, I yr older than myself. He had a beauituful body…
  • Thanks so much, I'll follow up with that and see what happens. Thanks so much and great job on your weight loss.
  • Haven't really looked into the removal process yet. I'll be Medicare soon hopefully if my disability hearing goes well. I have PTSD as well. My surgeon looked at my skin and said I'm the perfect candidate for a tummy tuck as it's all skin. I'll try your idea about writing letters to surgeons. I did look into working for a…