JennWoodruff Member


  • Not as bad as you, but YES! I hate slurping & smacking. ugh. I've eased up a little lately, but used to...oh my. I'd throw you the evil eye with a huge sigh real quick-like! haha Thing is, I hate hearing myself eat...I have to turn the tv or radio on when I eat as the noise gets to me. haha Weird, but true.
  • Thanks @mommabiggirl! Sorry, I know this is only a couple months past your original comment. ugh. Thank you for the info. I've been really watching what I eat as of this last Sunday. Going through a Bible study online that's really helping me in my health. :)
  • I have learned for myself to keep myself busy or chew gum. If I sit for too long, I start thinking...which starts me wanting...which leads to getting. If I notice I'm thinking way too much about food, I get busy with some task or hobby or something to get my mind snapped back into shape. :) Food is never meant to control…
  • Wow! You've done excellent! I'm sure you've not only inspired me but many others on this site & in your personal life. Wtg!! :)