

  • I just finished doing the Master Cleanse for 4 days........not sure if it's the same thing. I dropped 7 pounds and inches from my waist and hips. you drink 'lemonade' all day.......
  • i just read that post regarding 1000 calorie deficit. WOW that was enlightening. my BMI is 20.4, so i really have been going about this the wrong wonder i couldn't hit the 1200 per day mark :laugh: thanks for all the good info.
  • i'm exercising about 3x a week. i should be doing something every day. thanks so much for the encouragement! :smile:
  • according to my personal plan i should only be eating 1200 per day. i ALWAYS go over; sometime by a lot :tongue: can anyone suggest a safe/natural appetite suppressant?
  • Just thought i would say "hello" to everyone.I just started about 3 wks ago. tracking my caloric intake has been very enlightening; haven't lost any weight yet though. good luck to everyone on their weigh loss and fitness goals!
    in hi Comment by armstrongsg April 2008