

  • amandaluke1 - after you complete a workout there is a summary over on the left that you can select. That will show you the number of calories burned during that workout as well as some other info like how well you did in the exercises, how you did on challenges and how you did compared to previous workouts.
  • Please feel free to add me too. I got into MFP as a way to better track what I'm eating as a diabetic. I'm active every day and having more friends can only help with motivation.
  • 44 Here. MFP has been a great tool for me as a diabetic.
  • Xbox fitness was my primary motivation for buying an Xbox One. I mostly do the Mossa workouts along with Just Dance 2014 for cardio. I'd love to have some people to compete with so please feel free to add me. My GT is shiroronin