rstoolmaker Member


  • i work at taco bell as well, i have for about 7 and half years. i was in high school when i started and i was tiny and had a fast metabolism, but now i've gained so much weight and i know that it's partially because of where i work. i've tried to stick to only fresco items but that's hard, it gets so stressful and i LOVE…
  • hey there! first of all you lost a lot of wieght and no matter what you should be proud of yourself for that it's never easy and you toughed it out for four months so congrats on that =) now for the gorging i'm kinda doing the same right now like i'm only starting out and i lost three pounds then when i realized that i was…
  • yup beer is what got me, and soda, and fast food (i work at taco bell so its hard not to eat there), and sweets to tame my stress levels. i wanted to lose 10lbs. i lost around 5 gained that back then gained another 10+ so i'm trying to lose around 20-25 i'd like to spend my last two years of college looking good and…
  • I feel the exact same way, i really think biology screwed us women on this whole reproductive thing cause in addition to menstrating we also naturally have more fat than men do so we can have babies, lame, but back to your question usually for me my flow is a lot heavier my first two days so i allow myself to have a…