

  • I definitely understand that one! I have been using MFP on my cell phone for the last two months and had no idea that they actually had a site, I am new here as well so welcome!
  • I just quit smoking about three weeks ago. I used the electric cigarettes. You can choose different strengths from regular, menthol, light, or no nicotine for just the habit. I got the NJoy and I love them. After only three days I couldn't even stand the taste of a smoke and I have already weaned myself to the light…
  • Yes yesterday was my first day with Miss Jillian Michaels. Other than the common complaint about the calories it says I burned being depressing (I hear they are inaccurate) I too agree that this an AMAZING workout. I used to be in shape before my life choices took my metabolism to the dump and anyone saying it did nothing…