Willketoworkforme Member


  • Try some Keto Coffee or put some coconut oil in something and get it in ya. Your strip will come out the darkest color. That type of fat goes right through you and shows up in your pee easily. Just goes to show that the strips are good for testing for excess ketones in the urine, not for much else tho. I still use them,…
  • I think i might get it. I did not realize that it was calculating the BMR calorie burn for the day based on the information that it has about me. So like you said, My goal at the end of the day is to have no Net calories left. Which would mean that I am still at a 1000 cal deficit for the day. Thank you
  • I guess I must be a little dense or something, because I still don't get it. I am here to lose weight. A substantial amount of it. I would like at least a 1000 cal/day deficit to ensure that the weight comes off. But when I look at my numbers, right now it says Goal 1500 Food 1109 Exercise -392 (from my fitbit) Net 767…