Hi there, i always feel tired so i use a product called MESOMORPH - basically i have it in a glass of water before i go to work to give me a boost and wake me up then also prior to any works outs/walking/exercise etc IT WORKS!!! i promise you lol
Hello- i can suggest a few things for you Bread- multigrain and only two slices a day Peanut butter- good if a light brand however you can also try tahini- similar taste and will take some getting used to however better for you Butter- swap butter for avocado or cottage cheese Salad dressing- plain vinegar or balsamic…
Hello :) im single and every sunday i have a cooking fest- i pre cook pack and stack all my meals for the week ahead and just add lots of salad :) my main meals consist of chicken and salad (add veggies tofu beans lite cheese etc) fruit salad for breakfast with yoghurt and lsa mix so these are things you can prepare and…
Hello and congrats on ur progress so far. Why dont you combine the WW eating plan/recipes with this app? Best of both worlds and you have a trainer to keep you inline :)
Firstly id suggest a check up at the doctors- get them to run ur bloods and check thyroids for diabetes etc of it all comes back clear then i would try using hudroxycut or zotrim tablets - i have the same issue and since cutting away all the sugar coke cola fast foods and energy drinks the tablets fill you up and boost…