

  • Thanks :) I may change it to one shake a day for breakfast after 2 weeks...I've already done one week on it so am confident I can do at least one more...but of course I couldn't maintain it forever... I'll give the protein shakes a go instead of the high carb and sugary ones I'm on at the moment and if it all fails, I'll…
  • [/quote] Maybe eat more for your main meals? 350-400 calories is very little for what you consider a main meal. I would honestly recommend eating real food rather than meal replacement shakes (start as you mean to go on for a lifetime), although I do understand the convenience of them if you're really pushed for time. You…
  • [/quote] Maybe eat more for your main meals? 350-400 calories is very little for what you consider a main meal. I would honestly recommend eating real food rather than meal replacement shakes (start as you mean to go on for a lifetime), although I do understand the convenience of them if you're really pushed for time. You…
  • Hi, yes I have been upping my fats, or at least trying to...but I'm very new to this so am still figuring out which snacks are higher fat and protein and low carbs...I've eaten nuts for the last few days to up my calorie intake. I do know that I can do low carb on 3 meals a day but I want to kick start my weight loss with…
  • Oh good, I'm so glad to hear that protein shakes are a possibility. But does anyone have a solution to the calorie issue? I don't want to eat so little calories that I pass out and my main meals are usually only around 350-400 calories so if the protein shakes are only 100 that's a total of 600 calories per day not…
  • Thanks for your helpful reply! But can they be used as meal replacements? If they are only 100 calories that means I'd only be consuming 200 calories for breakfast and lunch and would have to find a whole load of calories from somewhere else for my main meal and/or snacks. The shakes are really convenient for me as I work…
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