favoo Member


  • Definitely good work with the inches. I've just started doing a weekly inch check - on Sundays. I started last week too so we'll see what happens!
    in One week in Comment by favoo April 2012
  • I think the best thing to do is buy a really good veggie cookbook that has reasonable recipes you can make quickly. I've got a cook book with 30 min recipes (inevitably they take a bit longer but still). I can recommend - how to cook everything vegetarian by mark bittman - The New Moosewood Cookbook by Mollie Katzen -…
  • My In-laws are avid church goers and my FIL a minister - they're both terribly obese. They don't drink, eat meat/fish, or smoke but they double their calories per day by drinking more juice than I would in a month and they get no exercise. FIL has gout and MIL is constantly ill. Not much of a temple for Christ there I'm…