

  • A plateau is what happens when you are not losing wait for a time. It does not always mean you are cheating or eating too many calories, but instead, your body will lower your metabolism to only burn what your NEW lower caloric intake is. So I like to add exercise and/or raise my calories for a few days. I have heard that…
    in Plateau Comment by tpersky May 2011
  • You will go up and down, especially if you weigh yourself every day as I do. But I have dieted long enough to realize that as long as I keep a downward spirel I am ok. You will gain and lose WATER, based on sodium content etc etc. Plus as you diet, it seems you release waste at a slower pace. Your metabolisim gets use to…
    in Sabotage! Comment by tpersky April 2011
  • It is not good to have high carbs before bedtime, or eat too late in the evening. Being diabetic, I try to not eat alot of carbs at one time, and I too have alot of calories left by the end of the day, so I eat string cheese or otrher low fat cheese. You can also eat deli meat slices that are low cal/fat, but they are…
  • I wish this site had a like button for
  • You CAN do this...and you are... Thank you for the encouragement! :D
  • Thank you so much! And don't wait too long for that Honeymoon, there are some very reasonable places to stay if you do as much research as my hubby and I did, lol.