snshine919 Member


  • @forest_crone thank you for that web page, I used it and it shows some insight. I fall between the 1-2lb weight loss weekly. But the more agressive like 2lbs a week is what I am aiming for. Thank you!
  • @ninerbuff Page 1 about a "pill"
  • Thank you. And a FYI I am HERE TO LOSE WEIGHT AND BOUNCE IDEAS OFF OTHER PEOPLE. NOT TO GET RUDE COMMENTS ABOUT A DIET PILL AND WHY IS IT SO HARD TO GRASP. NOT EVERYONE HAS AN AMAZING METABOLISM AND STAYS SKINNY. If I really wanted to lose weight incorrectly I wouldn't be asking all the questions I have, So if I continue…
  • Thank you for ALL your positive input. I am meeting with a RD but before then I will take all your advice given. I am 5'1" and I weigh 225. I am classified as somewhat active. I am an Optician so I do move around alot. Plus I have a 10 and 4 year old so always on the go!