sonyume Member


  • It counts. In a presentation I attended for work last week they were talking about "digital natives" which are basically people who have been born into this uber-digital world and grow up using the various media for communicating. For them there's nothing impersonal about a txt or facebook, nor is it a way to avoid "real"…
  • Don't stress about not being able to join a gym. They're very cool, don't get me wrong, especially when they come with a trainer. I used to have a membership that included a monthly meeting w/ personal trainer and nutritionist. So yeah, cool when possible. But you've already listed tons of options which is awesome!! I'd…
  • I'm only familiar with half of them - 30 Day Shred, Blast Fat Boost Metabolism, No More Trouble Zones. But based on the titles and knowing what I know about Jillian workouts, I'd agree that 30 Day Shred level 1 is a great place to start. You could also watch the DVDs first and see what you think. It's kind of amusing to…
  • Lovely! Thanks for the suggestions, I'll be sure to letcha know what I did and how it turned out. *smile*
  • I really like Blast Fat Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones. Currently I don't really have time in my day for them but i can't WAIT until I do. Essentially once baby boy consistently sleeps all the way thru the night. I'm so far off the wagon it's not even funny. And when I started Jillian before I was already in ok…