xxx4mygirlsxxx Member


  • ive had success (the post above is mine), things have gone pear shaped lately. But yes it is possible to lose weight with Hashimotos. xxxx
  • wow not been around much lately. needed reminding how far ive come. (Although I have backtracked a bit over the last few months). :/ x btw im x4mygirlsx but had a wobbly and deleted my profile TWICE. I was xx4mygirlsxx too lol. thyroid hormone swings, im sure you all can relate xxx
  • Looking at your blood results (I would love to have those results btw) I doubt the fatigue is caused by lack of thyroid hormone, like the other person said get your vitamin and iron levels checked. Vitamin B12 deficiency is common in thyroid patients and without B12 your body cant absorb iron. (or something like that, damn…