

  • Speaking of proof, I would really love some links to reliable, peer-edited research papers backing up all these scientific claims about HCG you bring up. There are dozens of articles disproving it, and I've found only one showing a near negligible difference between a 'regular' 500 calorie diet vs and a 500 cal diet used…
    in HCG Diet Comment by CLBeans March 2011
  • Yes, a person with a medical doctorate, who specializes in naturopathic medicine. Who is referencing published medical journal articles by a slew of different researchers. Also note, and NMD isn't the same as a naturopath; they are a doctor who went through medical school. Also, I don't see what anti-depressants are…
    in HCG Diet Comment by CLBeans March 2011
  • I'm actually not trying to judge anyone. What a person chooses to do with their own body is none of my business. If a particular diet plan works for someone, or they enjoy it, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But I'm seeing a lot of pseudo-science in this thread by people that haven't done thorough research,…
    in HCG Diet Comment by CLBeans March 2011
  • To the person that wanted a peer-reviewed source,5 HCG diet is a starvation diet, pure and simple. If a person eats only 500 calories a day, of COURSE he or she is going to lose weight. Thats just common sense. And yes, the…
    in HCG Diet Comment by CLBeans March 2011
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