

  • For lunches, I've learned that opening a pouch (or two) of tuna and mixing it with 2 Tb of mustard and 1 Tbsp of olive oil or mayo makes a satisfying and hearty protein.
  • Hi again- For your questions: 1. Storing cut veggies. I usually just store veggies in the fridge in closed Tupperware containers. Carrots, butternut squash, zucchini, etc all seem to keep pretty well for a few days. I've heard that storing veggies in water can help avoid wilting in veggies that are prone to that, like…
  • Also, for snacks: the small pots of greek yogurt are super useful (especially if you can stir honey and some fruit into them). They're not the cheapest at $1-$2 a pop, and are kind of wasteful.. but, these days you can find them everywhere and they provide a serious hit of protein to tide you over until dinner. Also in the…
  • Hi LeeLee, Don't get discouraged! I have a couple of initial thoughts. They're broken into two sections- the first being more workaday weeknight resources, and the other is the exciting stuff that might help spark excitement about cooking. Part One: For when you want to go on autopilot Hearty salads, with a protein and…
  • Welcome back! Not a shm, but I work from home... and so the kitchen is allllwaays there for me, too. One thing I've found to help is lots (and lots) of tea: green tea after breakfast when I'd like to keep eating but shouldn't, yerba mate and ginsing oolong tea when I want something substantial but don't need the calories,…
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