simkinsver Member


  • If I can lose almost 100lbs between January-December, AND have 2 weeks in the summer where I didn't care what I ate while on vacation- then you can lose around the same within a year. Starting Weight (January 2014): 296. Finish Weight (December 2014): 198. I won't say it's easy though- I pushed myself to the limit by…
  • calories count whenever you eat them...period. otherwise, your body wouldn't be metabolizing anything ;-) However.... 3lbs in one weekend? 8lbs? these are unrealistic numbers when it comes to body mass gain. (fat, muscle or eitherwise). To gain 3lbs in one day- you'd have to eat over 10,500 calories- and your stomach would…
  • I'll agree with others here that 100 calorie snack restrictions are a little excessive. But from a psychological perspective, this sort of restriction may work- a snack after all is supposed to help "tie you over" between meals if you go a particularly long time without eating (not just to mindlessly munch on)- and the…
  • work. Sing. Sleep. (at the moment. I'm a *very* active musician when I'm not holding down an IT job).
  • not necessarily. Any form of repetitive movement (when weight/mass is being subjected to it) builds muscle under the right conditions, whether or not you have a deficit. For example, I just reached my weight goal of losing 96lbs in 10 months (by having a 1000-calorie deficit). I also exercised by walking 5-10 KM/day... and…
  • I just had my own office party last week. To be honest.... if your goal is maintenance and/or weight loss, and you're able most of the time to take off 1-1.5lbs a week consistently, and willing to make the time to exercise- don't worry about splurging, enjoy yourself- just as long as you get back on track the next day. (it…
  • I was in a similar state as you- On January 1, I was 6ft and 296lbs- now (May 23) I'm 253lbs and still working on it, with an office desk job (but no kids). Your results and mine may vary over time- BMR does matter, and I'm a fair bit younger than you. you're doing pretty good, but as people mentioned here, it's not easy…
  • bowl of mixed berries (raspberries, blueberries, strawberries), and a whole-wheat English Muffin with melted shredded cheese, with my morning coffee. around 300-350 calories.