

  • I really took this to heart!
  • You know what - I feel the same way sometimes. I can lose 10Ibs and look in the mirror and not see ANY change at all. It is the most frustrating feeling in the world. Take some comfort in knowing that you DO look different to other people ... especially those who aren't close to you, and don't see you everyday. I have…
  • This is a topic that is so confusing because of all the information that's out there. One diet plan says that even whole wheat pasta and breads are all bad because of the sugar. Now I'm up in arms about my sugar intake, lol. Even sugar substitutes aren't good for weight loss. They apparently keep your liver occupied and…
  • I quit the running but continued the p90x workouts, inconsistent as they were, but what shocked me was the short amount of time it took to see the weight come back to my midsection. That is what disturbed me. That is what made me think that I cannot do this forever. It's crazy and made me wonder if the way I was eating…
  • It does actually - and I changed that last comment cuz I figured I'd get some sarcastic response instead of a helpful one. Anyway I have it set for my activity level and I eat about 1,200 on an inactive day and always log my exercise and eat the extra calories. A small amount of body fat shows up quickly at this stage with…
  • Yeah I guess that seems like the obvious - but the problem is that I need a permanent solution that doesn't include training for a marathon. Seems like there has to be more than all-or-nothing.