

  • Yeah, I know what you mean... pretty sobering thought thinking about all of the health problems overweight people like myself and others here are likely to have as we get older if we do not change our ways. Motivation! Also - Would you or anybody else know how often I should be doing weights, how heavy etc? Or is it just…
  • Hey, Thanks for the reply. That has been my primary concern, that I will lose weight too fast and my skin will get left behind so to speak. I think I am doing it the correct way, eating healthy nutritious foods in a healthy amount, my worry is as I stated, my body is so used to drastically over eating that I'll lose a…
  • Hey, Thank you for you're reply, I know you're 100% right, that I just need to relax, enjoy my journey and see where it takes me, I just can't control myself sometimes haha. I am happy and confident in what I am doing and I certainly have no delusions about this process, I understand that my skin will most likely need…
  • Hey, thanks for your reply. I am glad to hear you're doing so well, It gives me a lot of motivation that these goals can be achieved with commitment and hard work along the way, congratulations and good luck with your future gains (losses) :)
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