

  • I'm okay on sweets but my carb addiction use to be beyond out of control. I have removed all of my high carb food from my pantry and replace them with whole wheat, whole grain, brown rice, and etc. that can substitute with my usual food. I ask initially not to serve the bread in a basket as soon as I sit down at a…
  • I have completely cleaned out my fridge/pantry of all the sweets and snacks I had. Now its filled with Sugar-free Jell-O, fresh fruit, nuts, steamed/fresh vegi, and water. I make sure I have a few different choices to snack on each day so I don't get bored of it and dream about snacks with high calories/sugar. First a few…
  • I am on the exactly same boat as you! My trainer told me that is because you are gaining muscles that you've never had before (@ earlier stage). Since you do a lot of cardio, you are burning fat as well and you will see the weigh dropping soon. To be exact, I have gained 4 lbs. from 3 times a week for 2 months of work out…