BMD_DOG Member


  • Just show up. They are incredibly welcoming and supportive. There are people there at all levels of fitness, so modify as you see fit - there's no judgment. If I was closer to Boston I'd never miss a workout.
  • I have a Moving Comfort skort that I really like. I've had some good luck getting running skorts on eBay. You just have to be careful with sizing and condition.
  • Make sure your toenails are extremely short. I trim mine as short as possible and then file them down further, at least once a week.
  • I discovered Fitness Blender last year and am a huge fan, I like their quiet style, but I know that's not for everyone. I know people who play music in the background to rev them up more. I quit my gym because I no longer had a need - Fitness Blender works all the "trouble zones" and helps me maintain my goal weight. I…
  • Second the recommendation of Fitness Blender videos. No - or minimal - equipment needed. And it's free!