txflea Member


  • Hi I’m a 51 year old female, I have hypothyroidism and have been taking medication for it for the last 8 years, my labs were off when I did my blood work and we upped my medication. I also had gastric bypass 6 years ago an lost 156 pounds. My weight was staying around 130-135 but now recently I have started putting on a…
  • I try to go every other day, but I tend to go every day. Helps me blow off steam and the past few weeks I have been easy to upset, so I have been going quite a bit. I shoot for 1300 calories a day. And I do not upload my BMF until the end of the night after I have finished eating for the day. I have started avoiding bread,…
  • Just an update, I fiddled with it and started wearing it on my left calf by my knee. I pretty much keep it there and I get better results with it no there than on my arm.
  • I have a large upper arm with a lovely fat roll.. (I know it didn't get there overnight, and my eating and lack of activity put it there) But anyways I ordered the BMF and was wearing it on my upper arm right where the ''roll'' is, and it was super uncomfortable. I have read all over the web, and I have found 2 different…
  • I'm adding this to my grocery list! Thank You! :heart: :bigsmile:
  • Brazoria Texas here
  • Hi Scott. I I have hypothyroidism also. Before the medication I could walk past a cake and gain 10 pounds, it's still not easy and I usually have no energy but it can be done
  • Since this is my board I will start off. Hi my name if Felecia and I REALLY REALLY like food. I now weight more than a small car... ok maybe not that much but I do feel that size. I guess I refused to see myself for my real size until my freaking 2x t-shirts started fitting too tight. Now I am starting to have some health…