

  • So because a gym is trying to sell you a service, provided by someone with actual education in exercise science, personal training is somehow a scam? That's quite the logic, I guess cars are a scam too because they try to sell me a car when I go into a dealership. Same with the oil change my mechanic keeps trying to sell…
  • Hire a trainer or nutritionist with credible certifications. Don't go anywhere near plans like Isagenix, they are nothing more than starvation combined with diuretics and laxatives, sold by individuals with no qualifications out of their basements. Losing 10-20 pounds of water, poo and muscle mass is not weight…
  • Hire a trainer or nutritionist with credible certifications. Don't go anywhere near plans like Isagenix, they are nothing more than starvation combined with diuretics and laxatives, sold by individuals with no qualifications out of their basements. Losing 10-20 pounds of water, poo and muscle mass is not weight…
  • >>>Day 15 on Isagenix 30 day system - down 13 pounds. Yep, this stuff works Nope, you've lost 13 pounds of water and doesn't work. Starvation, diuretics and laxatives aren't weight loss solutions. Hire a CERTIFIED trainer and/or Nutritionist, not an Isagenix consultant with absolutely no qualifications before you…
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