

  • A food scale is actually the first thing I bought. I think that's what makes this doubly frustrating for me. I literally weight and calorie count every single food item that passes my lips. It's start to drive me bonkers.
  • My arms have always been a point of insecurity for me. This post is awesome. Can't wait to post my own success pics someday (hopefully lol)
  • What really helped me, especially with willpower improvement, was articles like this one: http://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2011/12/29/a-conversation-about-the-science-of-willpower/ Turns out willpower is like a muscle. If you work on it little by little it improves and gets stronger. But it's also something you have to rest…
  • ^I agree 100% with this and it was good to read so many answers like this one. Treating yourself should never make you feel bad. It's about finding a balance and watching the calories.
  • Cheese has to be my number one. Cheese and cheesy foods. Savory, fatty foods are what tip me over if I'm already feeling the urge to binge. I would always rather eat a cheese omelette (heavy on the cheese of course) then ice cream or chocolate.
  • I knew nuts (walnuts, cashews) were high cal but realizing just how small a serving size was in relation to the calorie content was CRAZY. I used to be able to eat half a container of cashews before I realized that I'd eaten more than half a day's worth of calories. I am hyper aware of portion sizes now. When I buy…