

  • So it's sort of like someone saying "hey my son's lips are a bit blue" and you saying "what that's stupid! No one has blue lips! You probably just need to change a light bulb...or get a brain or something!" When in fact, lips SHOULDN'T be blue but they still CAN be, and it means GET HELP!
  • You CAN gain 10 pounds in a day! It's water weight. Combined with being really swollen and feeling lousy, shortness of breath or pressure on your lungs it is a serious condition. It's called congestive heart failure. Anytime you gain more than 2 pounds in a day it's water weight. I would suggest anyone gaining 10 lbs a day…
  • You CAN gain 10 pounds in a day! It's water weight. Combined with being really swollen and feeling lousy, shortness of breath or pressure on your lungs it is a serious condition. It's called congestive heart failure. Anytime you gain more than 2 pounds in a day it's water weight. I would suggest anyone gaining 10 lbs a day…
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