Build your own!
For the most part it is not possible to gain muscle and lose body fat at the same time. What I did (and my recommendation to you) would be to go about your body transformation in two phases: lose the weight (caloric deficit) then start to bulk up once you've reached your target weight (caloric excess)
I bet if you search 'Chicken pitia wrap' you'll find something close enough. It wont be exact... but that's life.
Steam: iSnipecattle PSN: iSnipecattle Feel free to add me on those as well as here. :)
I'm horde on the bleeding hollow as well. I'll try to remember to add you! My name is Chanaynay
I tend to feel the opposite! After a long run I even feel a tiny bit sick to my stomach. No cake. :(
Any and everybody is welcome to add me. Lift on