butro78 Member


  • Yes. If you do it correctly, you can eat a crap load of food and lose weight at the same time, and maintain your weight, which is most important! The CEO of Whole Foods, John Mackey, is vegan (whole foods plant based), and he just wrote a book about how he got back to his high school weight when he started:…
    in Vegan Comment by butro78 May 2017
  • Yes! Super Yes even though here in Lincoln, NE. :)
  • Another person who thinks I need to cite a bibliography and all of my resources. if you don't believe what I say (I edited my response to her above), then look it all up yourself and disprove it...
  • We get so much crap from people who know little to nothing about nutrition, who are so quick to judge vegans that it's hard not to have your guard up. Thanks for fitting into that category as well.
  • I've been at it for 7 years, there's no way to list every resource, nor do I feel I need to give a bibliography, it's out there for anyone to look it up. I edited my response to her for any particular question you may have, from b12 to protein.
  • To be clear, the trolls I'm talking about come to the defense of meat in any situation even though they have no research to back it up as far as it being healthier than a plant based diet. If that's you, then yes, you're a meat troll...
  • Good for you! I'm a 7 year vegan, was lacto ovo vegetarian for 6 years prior to that. You won't regret it, trust me :) Please don't listen to nutritionally low IQ people on this forum who say it's not a healthy way to live. There is such an overwhelming amount of research that has been done w/in even the last 5-10 years…